Fencing on a Budget? The Hidden Costs of a Do-It-Yourself Fence Installation

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About Me

Finding a Great Fence For Your Property Yo! My name is Bobby and I live on a large property in Sydney, Australia. When I moved out here, I realised I was going to need to have some new fences installed. The previous owners had let the existing fences fall into disrepair and I was worried that people would gain access to my land. I called in a fence contractor who assessed the land and explained the different fence options available to me. In the end, I decided to opt for a steel fence. I am really pleased with how the fence has performed. I hope this blog helps you to find the right fence for your property.



A home improvement project can be quite costly, and that includes a new fence installation. This is why a DIY fencing project sounds like a smart way of saving money, especially when fencing on a budget.

As a DIY enthusiast, you are probably prepared to pay for fencing supplies and of course performing the labour yourself since you plan to save money, rather than hiring a professional fence installation contractor.

Although this sounds like a smart way to save money when working on a budget, there are a few unpleasant surprises for your wallet that come with a DIY fence installation.

The soil conditions in your yard

Although fences may appear to sit above the ground, the underground posts are critical for holding the structure in place. Proper installation of these posts is fundamental to the long-term viability of your fence.

Depending on the soil conditions beneath your yard, your fence installation can either be very straightforward or very complex.

Soft soil, for example, means you will need deeper post holes and more concrete for stability. Hard soil, on the other hand, will pose increased difficulty while digging holes and this time-consuming. Hard soil will at times require you to rent out special equipment to get the job done.

Large rocks along the fence line will also pose a larger challenge. You'll either have to dig them up (which might require hiring an excavator) or configuring your fence to avoid them, leading to an uneven fence.

The slope of your yard can turn out to be a financial penalty

If you own a hillside property, you might want to revisit your budget or leave the job to the professionals. This is because installing a fence on a sloping landscape can be more complicated compared to installing one on flatter landscape.

Also, a DIY fence installation on a slope can be very dangerous and will require trained fencing constrictors to guarantee safety and proper fence installation.

Finding the right equipment

Installing a new fence on your own can sometimes prove to be a little harder than you initially anticipated. Sometimes, a fencing project might call for special tools, whether they are power tools, digging machines or specific materials to use that aren't necessarily in your toolbox.

Purchasing or renting the items you require should be considered as a part of your cost calculations.

Although a DIY fence installation sounds like the perfect way to save money, its best to consult a professional fence contractor to avoid incurring the hidden cost of taking every task into your own hands.

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